Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Science Supplies Needed

Hello Third Grade Parents, 

Please sign up below/comment if you can bring in any of the the following items by Tuesday, February 4th:

  • Aluminum foil 19 feet
  • clothespins or binder clips 50
  • paper cups ( 8 oz) 7 
  • paper lunch bags 25
  • paper plates 25 
  • paper towels 25 sheets
  • plastic spoons 14
  • thin string (yarn or ribbon also work) 3 foot for each student 25* 3= 75 feet
  • Coolers (One for the hot water bottles and one for the cold water bottles)
  • aluminum foil 22 feet
  • plastic bottles (8 oz) 14 
  • socks- pair for each student 25 pairs of socks 
  • styrofoam cups ( 6 oz) 26 cups
  • gummy bears  5 fun size packs
  •  starburst  11 ounces 
  • chocolate chips  6 ounces
  • 13 thick paper plates  10 inches (thin plates won't work)
Mrs. Byrne 

Friday, January 10, 2020

Happy New Year! 2020

Dear Third Grade Parents,

Thank you for the warm welcoming back to Saint Thomas More. I can't wait to have many more memories in 2020 with my loving and thoughtful students.

Mrs. Byrne